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 As poets, sometimes it’s overwhelming to know where to begin. In this workshop, we’ll start with the lens of scale. Depending on how you look at it, the page itself can seem immense or small. Our subject matter can be a pebble, or an entire landscape. A story that unfolds in the world of an ant, or that crosses whole galaxies. We will practice using the lens of proportion and scale to write our poems, describing the most minute details, and then arcing out into immensity. My hope is that you––and all of us!––will write things that will change the way we see. Seeing deeply is one way we can love the world, even when that looking reveals what is unlovely or difficult. We will find beauty in the broken and the wholeness of the whole. 

Prepare to attune your senses to wonder!

There will be take-home writing prompts  All levels welcome.

Dates: 5 Sundays in March, from the 2nd to the 30th

4PM-5PM (Pacific Time)

Regisgter Here

Take the class in community

You will have access to an online community where you will be able to connect with your fellow poetry lovers!

Poems and Prompts

You will receive a poem packet every week with poems that Danusha will be teaching from.  During class she will offer take home writing prompts.

Live Video Class

This is a live video class! This is a webinar style class where you will be able to ask questions of Danusha in real time. 

Frequently Asked Questions